Which three statements are true about the initial storage configuration after the standard
deployment of a new database Machine?
The Data_<DBM_Name> and RECO_<DBM_Name> ASM diskgroups are built on part of the
interleaved griddisks.
The Data_<DBM_Name> and RECO_<DBM_Name> ASM diskgroups are built on top of the
non-interleaved griddisks.
There is a free space available on the hard disks inside the database servers for possible
extension of the /u01 file system.
There is no free disk space available on the hard disk inside the database servers for possible
extensions of the /u01 file system.
There is free space available on the flashdisk inside the Exadata storage servers for
possibleuseas flash-based griddisks.
There isnofree disk available on the flashdisk inside the Exadata storage servers forpossible
use as flash-based griddisks.
B( not A): Griddisks are the fourth layer of abstraction, and they will be the
Candidate Disks to build your ASM diskgroups from. By default (interleaving=none on the Celldisk
layer), the firstGriddisk that is created upon a Celldisk is placed on the outer sectors of the
underlying Harddisk. It will have the best performance therefore. If we follow the
recommendations, we will create 3 Diskgroups upon our Griddisks: DATA, RECO and
*non-rootpartition (/u01).
*Oracle Database files: DATA disk group.
*Flashback log files, archived redo files, and backup files: RECO disk group.
Shouldn’t E be the correct option instead of F?
There is no free space by defalut
It has to be provisioned.
B, C, F is correct answer.
A is wrong.
B is right. by default, cell disk is non-interleaving, so the grid disk is non-interleaved
C is right. /u01 is key binary file system, can not be full
D is wrong.
E is wrong.
F is right. for FD, all are used for flash cache.
So B.C.F. are correct