Select two actions that describe the operating system (O/S) account on the cells to which you should log in, and the tool that may be used to drop the celldisks.

You must drop all celldisks on all the cells in a quarter rack as part of a reconfiguration project, to
support normal redundancy interleaving.
Select two actions that describe the operating system (O/S) account on the cells to which you
should log in, and the tool that may be used to drop the celldisks.

You must drop all celldisks on all the cells in a quarter rack as part of a reconfiguration project, to
support normal redundancy interleaving.
Select two actions that describe the operating system (O/S) account on the cells to which you
should log in, and the tool that may be used to drop the celldisks.

To the CELLMONITOR account using CELLCLI interactively on each cell.

To CELLADMIN account calling CELLCLI on all cells using DCLI

To either the CELIMONITOR or the CELLADMIN account calling CELLCLI on all cells using

To the CELLMONITOR account calling CELLCLI on all cells using DCLI

To the CELLADMIN account using CELLCLI interactively on each cell

To either the CELLMONITOR or CELLADMIN account calling interactively on each cell

*Each Exadata Storage cell can be monitored, configured, and maintained using the cellcli
command line interface. To invoke the CLI, simply login to the Exadata cell as cellmonitor,
celladmin, or root, and type “cellcli”. Within cellcli, a wide range of commands can be invoked to
monitor the cell.
*While connected to cellcli as the Linux account celladmin, you can perform all cellcli commands
except calibrate.
While logged into the cell server as cellmonitor, you can do any “read-only” commands; you
cannot change any configuration or attributes.

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So many error answers from TestKing.






B E -D is wrong as it is can do only READ-ONLY stuff

L. Zhu

L. Zhu

A is wrong. cellmonitor can only do readonly
B is right. celladmin can do everything except calibrate which does not need here. dcli is distributed tool for cellcli
C is wrong. cellmonitor can only do readonly
D is wrong. cellmonitor can only do readonly
E is right. if not dcli, you have to use cellcli on each cell node
F is wrong. cellmonitor can only do readonly

So B.E. are correct