When a communications plan is developed for disaster re…

When a communications plan is developed for disaster recovery and business continuity plans, the MOST relevant items to include would be: (Select TWO).

When a communications plan is developed for disaster recovery and business continuity plans, the MOST relevant items to include would be: (Select TWO).

Methods and templates to respond to press requests, institutional and regulatory reporting requirements.

Methods to exchange essential information to and from all response team members, employees, suppliers, and customers.

Developed recovery strategies, test plans, post-test evaluation and update processes.

Defined scenarios by type and scope of impact and dependencies, with quantification of loss potential.

Methods to review and report on system logs, incident response, and incident handling.

A: External emergency communications that should fit into your business continuity plan include notifying family members of an injury or death, discussing the
disaster with the media, and providing status information to key clients and stakeholders. Each message needs to be prepared with the audience (e.g., employees,
media, families, government regulators) in mind; broad general announcements may be acceptable in the initial aftermath of an incident, but these will need to be
tailored to the audiences in subsequent releases.
B: A typical emergency communications plan should be extensive in detail and properly planned by a business continuity planner. Internal alerts are sent using
either email, overhead building paging systems, voice messages or text messages to cell/smartphones with instructions to evacuate the building and relocate at
assembly points, updates on the status of the situation, and notification of when it’s safe to return to work.
Incorrect Answers:
C: Recovery strategies are not included in the communications plan.
D: Analysis of impact, dependencies and loss potential are not included in the communications plan.
E: System logs, incident response, and incident handling are not included in the communications plan.

http://searchdisasterrecovery.techtarget.com/Developing-an-emergency-communications-plan-A- template-for-business-continuity-planners

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