Which command line can Wally use to display the data?

Wally has two files with data about dark and light coffee beans. The data is stored in the files
named dark_beans and light_beans. The files are in the coffee directory of Wally’s home directory.

Wally would like to display a sorted list of all of the words from both lists that start with the letter “g”
or “G”. The files contain mixed case names. Which command line can Wally use to display the

Wally has two files with data about dark and light coffee beans. The data is stored in the files
named dark_beans and light_beans. The files are in the coffee directory of Wally’s home directory.

Wally would like to display a sorted list of all of the words from both lists that start with the letter “g”
or “G”. The files contain mixed case names. Which command line can Wally use to display the

sort ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep ^[Gg]

cat ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep -i G | sort

sort -f ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep g

sort ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep -i g


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