Choose the command that Wally might use to extract the information from the file.

Wally has a file with data about various coffee plants, the data is stored in a file named plants, the
file is in the coffee directory of Wally’s home directory. He wants to find the number of entries that
are NOT the plant “Gallienii” or “gallienii”. Choose the command that Wally might use to extract
the information from the file.

Wally has a file with data about various coffee plants, the data is stored in a file named plants, the
file is in the coffee directory of Wally’s home directory. He wants to find the number of entries that
are NOT the plant “Gallienii” or “gallienii”. Choose the command that Wally might use to extract
the information from the file.

grep -v Gallienii ./coffee/plants | wc -l

grep -nv Gallienii ./coffee/plants| wc -l

find ./coffee/plants ( !G* -o !g* ) | wc -l

grep -ivn Gallienii ./coffee/plants| wc -l

grep -vc Gallienii ./coffee/plants | wc -l


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