Which command will configure the file for the described access?

You have a file that contains confidential customer data called customer489.dat. You need to
make this file available to the sales group but protect the data from other users. You are not a
member of the sales group and you do not have root access.
-rw-r–r– 1 tbussart staff 465394 Apr 1 15:20 customer489.dat $ getent group sales
Which command will configure the file for the described access?

You have a file that contains confidential customer data called customer489.dat. You need to
make this file available to the sales group but protect the data from other users. You are not a
member of the sales group and you do not have root access.
-rw-r–r– 1 tbussart staff 465394 Apr 1 15:20 customer489.dat $ getent group sales
Which command will configure the file for the described access?

chgrp sales /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat

groupadd sales /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat

setfacl -m g:sales:rw-,m:rw- /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat

chmod +w /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat


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