which of the following command lines would you use?

In order to append the output of Is to a file called bazz, which of the following command lines would you use?

In order to append the output of Is to a file called bazz, which of the following command lines would you use?

Is > bazz

Is >& bazz

Is & > bazz

Is � bazz

Common Redirection Operator:
Command > file Redirect the Standard Output of command into file.
Command >> file Append the Standard Output of command into file.
Command < file Command receives input from file.
Command 2>file Redirect the error message to file.
Command 2>>file Append the error message to file.

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Tom Williams

Tom Williams

Surely answer A is correct?



The answer should be

ls >> bazz

to append a file which I think should be D but the graphic has come out incorrectly for >>.

The > would over write the file bazz and not append it.

Tom Williams

Tom Williams


unaiz arakkal

unaiz arakkal

whats in RHEL

Tom Liddle

Tom Liddle

NONE OF THE ABOVE isn’t listed… lol..
You’re right, >> appends – and isn’t listed.