You wish to kill a process with a PID of 123. Select the command which exiting.

You wish to kill a process with a PID of 123. Select the command which exiting.

You wish to kill a process with a PID of 123. Select the command which exiting.

kill-9 123

kill-17 123

kill-1 123

kill-15 123

To terminate the process we use kill command. But we should know the process ID. In questions PID is specified to 123.
Syntax of kill command is: kill signal PID Where -9 is the powerful signal then other signal which kill the process.

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It must soft kill.
Number Name Description Used for
0 SIGNULL Null Check access to pid
1 SIGHUP Hangup Terminate; can be trapped
2 SIGINT Interrupt Terminate; can be trapped
3 SIGQUIT Quit Terminate with core dump; can be
9 SIGKILL Kill Forced termination; cannot be trapped
15 SIGTERM Terminate Terminate; can be trapped
24 SIGSTOP Stop Pause the process; cannot be trapped
25 SIGTSTP Terminal stop Pause the process; can be
26 SIGCONT Continue Run a stopped process