Which of the following is the BEST method to accomplish this?

An administrator setup a firewall to secure the network and only allow traffic that originated from
the internal network to return; no traffic originating from the outside is allowed to enter. A new
email server needs to be added to the network that will allow traffic to originate from the outside to
access the server. Which of the following is the BEST method to accomplish this?

An administrator setup a firewall to secure the network and only allow traffic that originated from
the internal network to return; no traffic originating from the outside is allowed to enter. A new
email server needs to be added to the network that will allow traffic to originate from the outside to
access the server. Which of the following is the BEST method to accomplish this?

Add NAT to the firewall for the email server

Set a rule on the firewall to allow email to go to the email server

Add stateful packet filtering to the firewall

Add a DMZ to the firewall for the email server

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