You submitted a concurrent request. Upon checking the status of the concurrent request, you
notice that it is currently in pending standby status.
What could have caused this outcome?
This is on expected outcome.The concurrentprogramhas not started the request yet.
Theconcurrentmanageris down and mustberestartedbeforethe requestcanbe started.
The concurrentprogram has incompatibilities thatare being resolvedby theConflictResolution
Theconcurrent program hasno open slots in which toexecutethe request. It is waitingfor
something elseto complete.
The systemadministratorhasno opentemporarily stopped the managerformprocessing the
request. It would be started when the administrator releasesit.
>Concurrent Requests Remain in Pending/Standby Status.
fact: Oracle Application Object Library
symptom: Concurrent requests remain in pending standby statussymptom: Conflict resolution manager will not manage concurrent requests
symptom: Conflict resolution manager hangs
symptom: FND_CONFLICTS_DOMAIN table locked
A concurrent request errored out just prior to first lockup and a user terminated another job prior to
the second lockup. In the first case, the FNDLIBR did not exit properly and had to be killed. In the
second case, the terminated concurrent request did not exit properly and had to be killed (but its
status was set to “Completed Terminated” by the standard manager which processed it).
1. Kill the problem requests at the OS level with kill -9 command.
2. Restart the concurrent manager