Which of the following does NOT provide name resolution?
A, DNS server
A, DHCP server
A WINS server
A, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server is responsible for automating the IP configuration of DHCP clients. It does not provide any form of name resolution.
A: The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is resolves an IP address to the MACaddress. The MAC address is a Data Link layer address that is embedded in a ROM on the network device and is hard-coded to each network interface.
B: A, Domain Name Service (DNS) server resolves fully qualified domain names and host names to IP addresses.
D: A Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server is a Microsoft NetBIOS name server that resolves a NetBIOS names to IP address, allowing clients to access network resources by computer name rather than by IP address for older Windows computers that cannot interact with DNS.
Charles J. Brooks, Server+ Certification Exam Cram 2 (Exam SK0-002), QUE Publishing, Indianapolis, 2006, pp. 18-25.
David Groth and Toby Skandier, Network+ Study Guide (4th Edition), Sybex, Alameda CA, 2005, pp. 82, 84, 112-113, 138-144.