which of the following actions can assist in eliminating the condition?

If you suspect a network bottleneck after performing an adapter upgrade, which of the following actions can assist in eliminating the condition? Choose all TRUE options.

If you suspect a network bottleneck after performing an adapter upgrade, which of the following actions can assist in eliminating the condition? Choose all TRUE options.

Uninstall all protocols and NICs not being used.

Install 32-bit or 64-bit PCI bus-mastering NICs.

Use one NIC in servers.

In each segment, use different use NICs at different speeds to improve performance.

Uninstalling all protocols and NICs not being used can assist in improving server performance and eliminating the network bottleneck. If the issue persists, consider installing 32-bit or 64-bit PCI bus-mastering NICs.
C: You should use multiple NICs in servers or use routers to divide segments.
D: If you cannot use NICs at identical speeds throughout the network, you should at least do so within each network segment. Mixing speeds can result in the network actually operating at the transfer rate of the slowest NIC.
Charles J. Brooks, Server+ Certification Exam Cram 2 (Exam SK0-002), QUE Publishing, Indianapolis, 2006, pp. 343-344.

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