What is true about joining tables through an equijoin?

What is true about joining tables through an equijoin?

What is true about joining tables through an equijoin?

You specify an equijoin condition in the SELECT or FROM clauses of a SELECT statement.

You can join a maximum of two tables through an equijoin.

To join two tables through an equijoin, the columns in the join condition must be primary key
and foreign key columns.

You can join n tables (all having single column primary keys) in a SQL statement by specifying
a minimum of n-1 join conditions.

You can join a maximum of two columns through an equijoin.


For N joined tables using Oracle or ANSI/ISO syntax for table joins, you need at least N-1 equijoin
conditions in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statement or N-1 JOIN table_name ON
join_condition clauses in order to avoid a Cartesian product, respectively.

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