Which of the following did the developer MOST likely im…

A new client application developer wants to ensure that the encrypted passwords that are stored in their
database are secure from cracking attempts. To implement this, the developer implements a function on the
client application that hashes passwords thousands of times prior to being sent to the database. Which of the
following did the developer MOST likely implement?

A new client application developer wants to ensure that the encrypted passwords that are stored in their
database are secure from cracking attempts. To implement this, the developer implements a function on the
client application that hashes passwords thousands of times prior to being sent to the database. Which of the
following did the developer MOST likely implement?





Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) makes use of a hashing operation, an encryption cipher
function, or an HMAC operation) on the input password, which is combined with a salt and is repeated
thousands of times.

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