Which of the following options could improve the safety…

A datacenter has suffered repeated burglaries which led to equipment theft and arson. In the past, the thieves
have demonstrated a determination to bypass any installed safeguards. After mantraps were installed to
prevent tailgating, the thieves crashed through the wall of datacenter with a vehicle after normal business
hours. Which of the following options could improve the safety and security of the datacenter further? (Choose

A datacenter has suffered repeated burglaries which led to equipment theft and arson. In the past, the thieves
have demonstrated a determination to bypass any installed safeguards. After mantraps were installed to
prevent tailgating, the thieves crashed through the wall of datacenter with a vehicle after normal business
hours. Which of the following options could improve the safety and security of the datacenter further? (Choose

Cipher locks


Escape routes

K rated fencing

Fm200 fire suppression

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