Which of the following controls would be MOST appropria…

A chief information officer (CIO) is concerned about PII contained in the organization’s various data warehouse
platforms. Since not all of the PII transferred to the organization is required for proper operation of the data
warehouse application, the CIO requests the in needed PII data be parsed and securely discarded. Which of
the following controls would be MOST appropriate in this scenario?

A chief information officer (CIO) is concerned about PII contained in the organization’s various data warehouse
platforms. Since not all of the PII transferred to the organization is required for proper operation of the data
warehouse application, the CIO requests the in needed PII data be parsed and securely discarded. Which of
the following controls would be MOST appropriate in this scenario?

Execution of PII data identification assessments

Implementation of data sanitization routines

Encryption of data-at-rest

Introduction of education programs and awareness training

Creation of policies and procedures

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