Which of the following is the best course of action for…

The security administrator receives a service ticket saying a host based firewall is interfering with the operation
of a new application that is being tested in development. The administrator asks for clarification on which ports
need to be open. The software vendor replies that it could use up to 20 ports and many customers have
disabled the host based firewall. After examining the system, the administrator sees several ports that are open
for database and application servers that only used locally. The vendor continues to recommend disabling the
host based firewall.
Which of the following is the best course of action for the administrator to take?

The security administrator receives a service ticket saying a host based firewall is interfering with the operation
of a new application that is being tested in development. The administrator asks for clarification on which ports
need to be open. The software vendor replies that it could use up to 20 ports and many customers have
disabled the host based firewall. After examining the system, the administrator sees several ports that are open
for database and application servers that only used locally. The vendor continues to recommend disabling the
host based firewall.
Which of the following is the best course of action for the administrator to take?

Allow ports used by the application through the network firewall

Allow ports used externally through the host firewall

Follow the vendor recommendations and disable the host firewall

Allow ports used locally through the host firewall

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