Which of the following commands will fix the problem?

An Acme SCSI controller was installed on the server to support the boot drive. The system, which runs LILO and uses kernel 2.4.20, will no longer boot. After booting from the recovery CD-ROM, the Acme driver (acme.o) is manually loaded and works. The driver is also available in the modules directory on the server’s hard drive. Which of the following commands will fix the problem?

An Acme SCSI controller was installed on the server to support the boot drive. The system, which runs LILO and uses kernel 2.4.20, will no longer boot. After booting from the recovery CD-ROM, the Acme driver (acme.o) is manually loaded and works. The driver is also available in the modules directory on the server’s hard drive. Which of the following commands will fix the problem?

lilo append=acme.o -v /boot/initrd-2.4.20.gz 2.4.20

modprobe -p acme.o

mkinitrd -f –with=acme.o /boot/initrd-2.4.20.gz 2.4.20

cat "alias scsi_hostcontroller acme.o" >> /etc/modules.conf

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