The fw fetch command perform the following function:
Attempts to fetch the policy from the Management Server.
Fetches users from the Management server.
Produces an output screen of the Rule Base.
Fetches the logs.
Fetches the systems status.
The “fw fetch” command is issued at the gateway module and it provides a way to pull an
applicable security policy from a management server and install it in the gateway kernel as inspect
code. You can call it through the command line. To make a successful Fetch of a policy you need
to have the firewall object defined in the Management Server through the Policy Editor. You must
also have a valid trust relationship implemented through the management server and the firewall
Example: fw fetch
Incorrect Answers:
B: Fetch command is not used to fetch users, its used to fetch policies.
C: With the fetch command you cant make an output of the content of the policy, you can just
install it on the local module.D: This command is not related to logs, its related to policy installation.
E: The fw fetch command does not provide an interface with the system status.