Your main internal network allows all traffic to the Internet using Hide NAT. You also have a small network behind the internal router. You want to configure the kernel to translate the source address only when network tries to access the Internet for HTTP, SMTP, and FTP services. Which of the following configurations will allow this network to access the Internet?
Configure three Manual Static NAT rules for network, one for each service
Configure one Manual Hide NAT rule for HTTP, FTP, and SMTP services for network
Configure Automatic Hide NAT on network and then edit the Service column in the NAT Rule Base on the automatic rule
Configure Automatic Static NAT on network
I have been playing with the GUI and I do not see where it is possible to add 3 services in one manual static rule. Does anyone know how the ans C could actually work ?
Otherwise I would have to go with A
I agree with the answer. B
But how can we add 3 services to one manual static rule?
you can only have a individual object in the service column in NAT rules, but you can create a group object containing all the services needing to be included, then use the group object.