The customer has a small Check Point installation, which includes one Linux Enterprise 3.0 server working as the SmartConsole, and a second server running Windows 2003 as both Security Management Server running Windows 2003 as both Security Management Server and Security Gateway. This is an example of a(n).
Stand-Alone Installation
Distributed Installation
Hybrid Installation
Unsupported configuration
Can any one please explain what is unsupported configuration means
SmartConsole must be installed on a Windows machine, and the Management Server and Gateway cannot run on a Windows machine, this is why the configuration is unsupported.
Actually, the problem is only with SmartConsole and Linux. Both the Mgmt Svr and the Gateway are support on Windows 2003 server: http://dl3.checkpoint.com/paid/0a/CP_R75_ReleaseNotes.pdf?HashKey=1391475762_ff5313fabc743a116a6fb40eb460374e&xtn=.pdf