Which three are true about the large pool for an Oracle database instance that supports shared server connections?

Which three are true about the large pool for an Oracle database instance that supports shared
server connections?

Which three are true about the large pool for an Oracle database instance that supports shared
server connections?

Allocates memory for RMAN backup and restore operations

Allocates memory for shared and private SQL areas

Contains a cursor area for storing runtime information about cursors

Contains stack space

Contains a hash area performing hash joins of tables

The large pool can provide large memory allocations for the following:
/ (B)UGA (User Global Area) for the shared server and the Oracle XA interface (used where
transactions interact with multiple databases)
/Message buffers used in the parallel execution of statements
/ (A) Buffers for Recovery Manager (RMAN) I/O slaves

* large pool
Optional area in the SGA that provides large memory allocations for backup and restore
operations, I/O server processes, and session memory for the shared server and Oracle XA.
* Oracle XA
An external interface that allows global transactions to be coordinated by a transaction manager
other than Oracle Database.
User global area. Session memory that stores session variables, such as logon information, and
can also contain the OLAP pool.
* Configuring the Large Pool
Unlike the shared pool, the large pool does not have an LRU list (not D). Oracle Database does
not attempt to age objects out of the large pool. Consider configuring a large pool if the database
instance uses any of the following Oracle Database features:
* Shared server
In a shared server architecture, the session memory for each client process is included in the
shared pool.
* Parallel query
Parallel query uses shared pool memory to cache parallel execution message buffers.
* Recovery Manager
Recovery Manager (RMAN) uses the shared pool to cache I/O buffers during backup and restore
operations. For I/O server processes, backup, and restore operations, Oracle Database allocates
buffers that are a few hundred kilobytes in size.

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Mohammad Rafiq

Mohammad Rafiq

Allocates memory for RMAN backup and restore operations

Allocates memory for shared and private SQL areas

Contains a cursor area for storing runtime information about cursors



Allocates memory for shared and private SQL areas: NO. Оnly for private SQL AREA (when using shared server). Shared SQL area ALLWAYS!!!! in shared pool
HASH area in a share server mode is located in LArge pool like a sort area.



in shared server
D – NO – stack space is in PGA
B – NO – shared SQL area is in SGA




ABC is Correct.

If we configure Large Pool in shared server configuration, the shared SQL area will be allocated from large pool instead of shared pool.



ACE are correct. As Eugene mentioned shared SQL area is always in shared pool. UGA is located in large pool when configured and UGA contains cursor state / private sql area.
“Do not confuse a private SQL area, which is in the UGA, with the shared SQL area, which stores execution plans in the SGA. Multiple private SQL areas in the same or different sessions can point to a single execution plan in the SGA.” — From Oracle docs.



B is false as shared sql information stays in shared pool.
E is right as UGA is moved to the large pool and hash joins happen there.
UGA: It contains
– Session information such as logon information, and other information required by a database Session.
– SQL Work areas: used for sorting, hash operations etc.
– Private SQL Area : contains Open/Closed cursors and cursor state information for open cursors for example, the number of rows retrieved so far in a full table scan.

For complex queries, workareas in UGA are required to perform memory intensive operations. For example, a sort operator uses the sort area to sort a set of rows. Similarly, a hash join operator uses a hash area to build a hash table from its left input, whereas a bitmap merge uses the bitmap merge area to merge data retrieved from scans of multiple bitmap indexes.



Not E: in shared server mode, some memory parts need to move from shadow server proces to SGA, because different calls from the same session can be serviced by different shadow processes. However a hash is always one call and (not counting parallel query which uses large pool anyway) is thus done by only one shadow process – therefore no need to move the hash area to SGA.
However can’t confirm this reasoning in Oracle documentatation.

Matthew Cunham

Matthew Cunham

Hi, i have passed my Oracle 1Z0-060 exam last week, score of my 1Z0-060 exam: Section 1 = 90%; Section 2 = 92% (the passing score: Section 1 = 64%; Section 2 = 65%, both sections must be passed to pass 1Z0-060 exam). All 85 questions (Section 1 = 51q; Section 2 = 34q) were multiple choice questions, most of them were easy to answer, but few questions on Core Administration and Performance Management were a little difficult.

And, I learned valid 1Z0-060 dumps here: http://www.passleader.com/1z0-060.html (recommend to get FULL VERSION 1Z0-060 VCE dumps and PDF dumps for learning).

Good Luck!

shabbir ahmed

shabbir ahmed

is abc is finally the correct answer?
Please reply anyone who given paper in the current month.