Asymmetric routing is when a return packet is not routed through the same gateway that the
incoming packet came through. What can be done to overcome this in a MEP VPN?
Use SEP VPN’s instead.
Use IP pools.
Reconfigure the SecuRemote clients.
Nothing it is not a problem.
: Since we are using MEP VPN (Multiple entry point) we can use the functionality of the IP Pools
to overcome the asymmetric routing issues. The bad thing is that it’s a tedious and complex
configuration, you can see a walkthrough of it at the secure checkpoint website. Just to
remember, Multiple entry point VPNs (MEPs) deployment make use of the VPN1/FW1 “Backup
Gateway Feature”. You should remember that MEP is primary used to support providing automatic
backup gateways to SecuRemote and Secure client.