How do you define the FTP Resource Properties > Match tab to prevent internal users…

The following rule contains an FTP resource object in the Service field:
Source: local_net
Destination: Any
Service: FTP-resource object
Action: Accept
How do you define the FTP Resource Properties > Match tab to prevent internal users from sending corporate files to external FTP servers, while allowing users to retrieve files?

The following rule contains an FTP resource object in the Service field:

Source: local_net
Destination: Any
Service: FTP-resource object
Action: Accept

How do you define the FTP Resource Properties > Match tab to prevent internal users from sending corporate files to external FTP servers, while allowing users to retrieve files?

Enable the “Get” method on the match tab.

Disable “Get” and “Put” methods on the Match tab.

Enable the “Put” and “Get” methods.

Enable the “Put” method only on the match tab.

Disable the “Put” method globally.

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