During system boot, Pointsec may display an information dialog box with the error code -2, Does this mean that:

During system boot, Pointsec may display an information dialog box with the error code -2, Does this mean that:

During system boot, Pointsec may display an information dialog box with the error code -2, Does this mean that:

A re-installation is required?

Pointsec can�t find the path for recovery files or write new information?

Pointsec can�t find the path for update profiles?

The encryption key has been lost?

The logged-on user must change his/her password?

If installing by means of an Install profile, the Pointsec Service Start service can be
configured prior to rebooting the system when completing the installation.
Doing so should avoid a possible -2 error when logging on (caused by limited
permissions for the logged on user to the recovery folder).

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