What does Removable Media Manager do?

What does Removable Media Manager do?

What does Removable Media Manager do?

Manages what media can be exported to Removable Media

Automatically formats and encrypts devices

Automatically scans and digitally signs devices

Creates a black / white list of what devices can be used on the network

Removable media/IO device manager
By centrally controlling access to removable media/IO devices, the system
administrator can control user access to floppy disks, memory sticks, PDAs,
flash memory, Zip/Jazz drives, digital cameras etc. (CDs, CDRs, DVDs can be
protected by integrating Check Point Optimum or using Device Manager).
Removable Media Manager controls device access on all available ports
including USB and Firewire. All removable media/IO devices must be
authorised before use is granted. Authorisation can be centrally managed or
users can authorise their own devices providing certain rules are met (see
data authorisation & Anti-Virus scanner integration below). A digital signature
is written to a device to mark it as authorised. The digital signature is
automatically updated during file transfers within the protected environment.
If changes to the media are permitted outside of the organisation, the device
will require re-authorisation before it can be used again within the protected
environment. The system enforces that all devices are virus free, prevents
illegal importing of data and more importantly can prevent the unauthorised
exporting of data. This system will also stop users gaining access to any
unauthorised hot-swap & plug-and-play devices.

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