Postscript renderer that can convert between Postscript and many other formats

Match the following utilities with their functionalities.
1. ghostscript a. converts text to Postscript
2. enscript b. formats output to print several document pages on one printer page
3. mpage c. Postscript renderer that can convert between Postscript and many other formats

Match the following utilities with their functionalities.
1. ghostscript a. converts text to Postscript
2. enscript b. formats output to print several document pages on one printer page
3. mpage c. Postscript renderer that can convert between Postscript and many other formats

1-a, 2-c, 3-b

1-a, 2-b, 3-c

1-c, 2-a, 3-b

1-c, 2-b, 3-a


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