Which selection below describes the correct steps?

Before deleting a Global object, it is recommended to search the MDS for CMA’s that use this
object or at least have the object assigned. If the object is not used or defined locally, it can be
deleted in the Global SmartDashboard. Which selection below describes the correct steps?

Before deleting a Global object, it is recommended to search the MDS for CMA’s that use this
object or at least have the object assigned. If the object is not used or defined locally, it can be
deleted in the Global SmartDashboard. Which selection below describes the correct steps?

In the Global SmartDashboard, open the Cross-CMA Search window via Menu > Manage >
Cross-CMA Search. Then select the query you want to use and define what you want to find.
Select customers and start the search.

A search is not possible using a GUI because a Cross-CMA search must be done at the CLI of
the MDS only.

In the MDG, open the Cross-CMA Search window via Menu > Manage > Cross-CMA Search.
Then select the query you want to use and define what you want to find. Select customers and
start the search.

For searching a Global object in a CMA, the SmartDashboard needs to connect to each CMA.
Only by using SmartDashboard connected to a CMA can an administrator find these objects.


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