What is reason of this behavior?

David is the multicorp security manager and approves the proposals submitted by the security
administrator Peter. One day, David believes he has detected vulnerability in the security policy.
He submits a change proposal and tries to approve his own submission. The system does not
allow him to perform this procedure.

What is reason of this behavior?

David is the multicorp security manager and approves the proposals submitted by the security
administrator Peter. One day, David believes he has detected vulnerability in the security policy.
He submits a change proposal and tries to approve his own submission. The system does not
allow him to perform this procedure.

What is reason of this behavior?

The company does not allow David to submit and also approve the same poln (instead of
Submit and Approve).

The company does not allow David to submit and approve the same submitted sessions in
Global Properties was set to on

The company does not allow David to submit and approve the same policy cfi submitted
sessions in the Smart Workflow section of the Firewall object properties was set to on

The proposal contains some logical contradictions. The Check Point does not permit this
change to be carried out.


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