Company XYZ manufactures three different types of PC monitors.
Type 1 is a unique requirement for the local college called Northern College.
Shipments of Type 1 to other customers are not allowed.
This item is stored only in a subinventory called MODEL 1.
Other models are also stored in this same subinventory.
The other two types (Type 2 and Type 3) can be shipped to any other customer, including
Northern College. Which conditions are mandatory for the Picking rule (rule) to meet these
Transaction type of Sales Order. Rule assigned to Northern College.
Subinventory as MODEL 1. Rule assigned to customer Northern College.
Subinventory as MODEL 1. Rule assigned to Type 1, and customer as Northern College.
Subinventory as MODEL 1. Rule assigned to Type 1, and transaction type as Sales Order.
Subinventory as MODEL 1. Rule assigned to Type 1, transaction type as Sales Order, and
customer Northern College.