An operator can use the show vlans command with no options to determine which two of the following? (Choose two.)
Interfaces belonging to a VLAN
Link up or down status of an interface belonging to a VLAN
Known MAC addresses associated with a VLAN
IP address of the RVI associated with a VLAN
show vlans <brief | detail | extensive>
<sort-by (name | tag)>
Display information about VLANs configured on bridged Ethernet interfaces. For interfaces configured to support a voice over IP (VoIP) VLAN and a data VLAN, the show vlans command displays both tagged and untagged membership for those VLANs.Note: When a series of VLANs is created with the vlan-range statement, such VLAN names are prefixed and suffixed with a double underscore. For example, a series of VLANs using the VLAN range 13 and the base VLAN name marketing are displayed as __marketing_1__, __marketing_2__, and __marketing_3__.
Note: To display an 802.1X supplicant successfully authenticated in multiple-supplicant mode with dynamic VLAN movement, use the show vlans vlan-name extensive operational mode command, where vlan-name is the name of the dynamic VLAN.
None – Display information for all VLANs. VLAN information is displayed by VLAN name in ascending order
dot1q-tunneling (Optional) Display VLANs with the Q-in-Q tunneling feature enabled
management-vlan (Optional) Display management VLANs
sort-by (name | tag) (Optional) Display VLANs in ascending order of VLAN IDs or VLAN names
summary – (Optional) Display the total number of VLANs and counts of VLANs by typefor example, the number of dynamic, 802.1Q-tagged, and Q-in-Q tunneled VLANs.
Vlan-name (Optional) Display information for the specified VLAN.
Vlan-range-name – (Optional) Display information for the specified VLAN range. To display information for all members of the VLAN range, specify the base VLAN namefor example, employee for a VLAN range that includes __employee_1__ through __employee_10__