How do you accomplish this?

All operations team members are authenticated and authorized by a TACACS+ server. All users are members of the same login class with view permissions only. You want to give one user in the same login class permission to also run the show configuration command. How do you accomplish this?

All operations team members are authenticated and authorized by a TACACS+ server. All users are members of the same login class with view permissions only. You want to give one user in the same login class permission to also run the show configuration command. How do you accomplish this?

You must have the TACACS+ server return the Juniper-Allow-Commands attribute.

You cannot do this without assigning the user to a different login class.

You must have the TACACS+ server return the Juniper-Configure attribute.

You must have the TACACS+ server return the Juniper-Local-User-Name attribute.

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