Which of the following are architecture principles that pertain to the management and monitoring
focus on individual resources
service aware
standards-based integration
manual governance processes
The following list is a sample architecture principles that pertain to
the management and monitoring framework.
* Service Aware (B)Treat a Service as a super infrastructure component.
As more and more enterprises utilize Services as a means to
build and compose business solutions it has become critical that
IT operations have a comprehensive approach to managing and
monitoring these Services.
* Standards-based Integration (C)
Standards based approach to integration to interact with internal
and external IT operational systems.
Standards-based integration improves the ability to interoperate
with existing but also future and unknown IT operational
systems. This facilitates the ability to manage and monitor the IT
environment holistically as well as minimizing the cost of
maintaining the integrations.
*Discoverable (E)
Discovery of deployed services and infrastructure components.
Services and infrastructure components have become more
dependent on one another, with many of these
interdependencies crossing corporate boundaries. Without
access to information concerning these dynamic
interdependencies diagnosing problems and correlating
problems in a complex, distributed environment is a huge
challenge. Identifying and understanding dependencies
manually is cost prohibitive, and breaks down with rising
complexity and a rapid rate of change.
Other architecture principles that apply here as well:
* Proactive
* Externalize Management
* Manage and Monitor as One
* Extensible
Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture,Management and Monitoring, Release 3.0