Why is it necessary to have Integration of Metadata Repository to the Source Code Management
(SCM) server?
The SCM needs to access the asset metadata for reporting purposes.
The Metadata Repository links the asset metadata to the asset payload, which may be archived
in the SCM.
The Metadata Repository promotes the assets to the SCM.
The Metadata Repository stores the asset metadata in the SCM.
SCM server manages the code base and configuration. It uses file store or database
for maintaining the asset payload and to manage the versioning of the assets.
Note: The metadata repository is primarily a human interface for asset
capture and presentment. It has integration with the service registry to promote the
service interfaces and with the security framework for repository security like
authentication and access control. It also has integration with other enterprise asset
sources like Source Code Management (SCM) tools and file servers.
Source Code Management (SCM) is the management of changes to documents,
programs, and other information artifacts.
Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture, Software Engineering, Release 3.0,