What does the Java EE Management Specification (JSR 77) provide?
a general mechanism for monitoring and managing Java resources
an internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks
a standard model for managing a J2EE Platform; it describes a standard data model for
monitoring and managing the runtime state of any Java EE Web application server and Its
a structured approach to monitor diverse and heterogeneous shared systems
The Java EE Management specification (JSR 77) provides a standard model for
managing a J2EE Platform and describes a standard data model for monitoring and managing the
runtime state of any Java EE Web application server and its resources.
Note: The J2EE Management specification includes standard mappings of the model to the
Common Information Model (CIM), to an SNMP Management Information Base
(MIB), and to the Java object model through a server-resident Enterprise JavaBeans
(EJB) component, known as the J2EE Management EJB Component (MEJB). TheMEJB provides interoperable remote access to the model from any standard J2EE
Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture,Management and Monitoring, Release 3.0