Which two statements are true about migrating your database to Exadata?
A) Because Exadata uses InfiniBand, in order to migrate your database to Exadata, you must
have InfiniBand on the system that you are migrating from.
B) Using Data Guard Physical Standby to migrate from an 11.1 database to Exadata is beneficial
because it allows you to adopt HCC during migration.
C) ASM and database best practice configuration supplied during Exadata deployment should be
retained during and after migration,
D) Logical migration methods allow more flexibility than physical methods to change the database
structure for best performance.
E) All indexes should be dropped when migrating to Exadata.
Answer: C,E
Answer is C,D
Could please justify.
Only drop unnecessary schema objects, not all indexes. So answer is C,D.
C & D
Dropping all indexes is not recommended. Recommended to drop only unnecessary indexes.
not E … drop all indexes … what about primary and unique indexes? So E ist wrong.