Which queue uses the highest amount of interface bandwidth?

Refer to the exhibit.

The core scheduler-map is assigned to fe-0/l/0.

The following traffic is queued for transmission from fe-0/1/3:
40 Mbps of best-effort traffic
2 Mbps of network-control traffic
41 Mbps of expedited-forwarding traffic
30 Mbps of assured-forwarding traffic
Which queue uses the highest amount of interface bandwidth?

Refer to the exhibit.

The core scheduler-map is assigned to fe-0/l/0.

The following traffic is queued for transmission from fe-0/1/3:
40 Mbps of best-effort traffic
2 Mbps of network-control traffic
41 Mbps of expedited-forwarding traffic
30 Mbps of assured-forwarding traffic
Which queue uses the highest amount of interface bandwidth?

The best-effort queue

The expedited-forwarding queue

The network-control queue

The assured-forwarding queue


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Bit misleading. Could it be AF as its strict high ? 100M FE but AF will not be restricted to 25M when traffic goes to let’s assume 40M as its strict high and transmit-rate rate-limit / shaping rate is not used.



@ciscosux No, as neither BE nor AF will be restricted due to the fact that there is enough bandwidth for both. AF will be serviced first, though, but this is not what they asked.



Ans is A.
Due to strict-high priority, AF will consume all 30 Mbps as per traffic (even though it’s having 25 Mbps restriction as per config).
Then 2 Mbps will be through NC. (So 30+2=32 used out of 100 Mbps).
Then out of 41 Mbps EF traffic, only 24 Mbps could be through due to exact keyword. (so 30+2+24 = 56 Mbps used out of 100 Mbps).
Then for BE we have remaining 44 Mbps (100 – 56) through which 40 Mbps traffic will pass.
So ans is BE.