View the Exhibit and examine the content of the V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS view.
You executed the following command to increase the size of the Large Pool:
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET large_pool_size=8M;
System altered.
Which component would shrink to increase the size of the Large Pool?
the Java Pool
the Shared Pool
KEEP Buffer Cache
Default Buffer Cache
assume that after the initial allocation the RMAN job starts, indicating the need for a larger large pool; the large pool will expand from 4MB to 40MB to accommodate the demand. This additional 36MB will be carved out of the db buffers and the db block buffers will shrink…
have a look.
23:28:38 (1)djeday84@orcl> @sga_stat
fixed_sga | 2.15
streams pool | 4
java pool | 4
log_buffer | 6.26
large pool | 8.01
buffer_cache | 188
shared pool | 303.46
TOTAL | 515.88
8 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
23:28:40 (1)djeday84@orcl> alter system set large_pool_size=20m;
23:29:53 (1)djeday84@orcl> select component,oper_type,round (FINAL_SIZE/1024/1024) final_size_mb,END_TIME from v$sga_resize_ops where end_time > sysdate -10/24/60;
DEFAULT buffer cache |SHRINK | 176|30.07.2014 23.28.59
large pool |GROW | 20|30.07.2014 23.28.59
D is right. default buffer pool is the one to shrink