When the case is brought to court, whom should the prosecuting attorney call upon for not upholding company policy?

Davidson Trucking is a small transportation company that has three local offices in Detroit Michigan. Ten female employees that work for the company have gone to an attorney reporting that male employees repeatedly harassed them and that management did nothing to stop the problem. Davidson has employee policies that outline all company guidelines, including awareness on harassment and how it will not be tolerated.

When the case is brought to court, whom should the prosecuting attorney call upon for not upholding company policy?

Davidson Trucking is a small transportation company that has three local offices in Detroit Michigan. Ten female employees that work for the company have gone to an attorney reporting that male employees repeatedly harassed them and that management did nothing to stop the problem. Davidson has employee policies that outline all company guidelines, including awareness on harassment and how it will not be tolerated.

When the case is brought to court, whom should the prosecuting attorney call upon for not upholding company policy?

IT personnel

Employees themselves


Administrative assistant in charge of writing policies

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