What type ofproxy has Travis installed on his own computer?

Travis is an administrative assistant to the executive director of Thuel Energy, an oil and gas company based in Oklahoma City. Travis has an IT degree, but was not able to get a technical job because of the competitive job market. Travis likes to surf the Internet at work when he has time. He likes to go to social networking sites to chat with friends and meet new people. Unfortunately, his company has recently enacted a computer use and acceptable use policy that prohibits employees from going to social networking sites. To further keep usersfrom sites they should not go to, the IT department installs a proxy server thatspecifically blocks certain websites. Trying to outsmart the company policies,Travis installs a virtual machine on his computer and a proxy server on that virtual machine. Through the proxy on his own computer, he is able to get aroundthe company�s Internet proxy and get to the websites he wants to. What type ofproxy has Travis installed on his own computer?

Travis is an administrative assistant to the executive director of Thuel Energy, an oil and gas company based in Oklahoma City. Travis has an IT degree, but was not able to get a technical job because of the competitive job market. Travis likes to surf the Internet at work when he has time. He likes to go to social networking sites to chat with friends and meet new people. Unfortunately, his company has recently enacted a computer use and acceptable use policy that prohibits employees from going to social networking sites. To further keep usersfrom sites they should not go to, the IT department installs a proxy server thatspecifically blocks certain websites. Trying to outsmart the company policies,Travis installs a virtual machine on his computer and a proxy server on that virtual machine. Through the proxy on his own computer, he is able to get aroundthe company�s Internet proxy and get to the websites he wants to. What type ofproxy has Travis installed on his own computer?

Travis has installed a Circumventor Proxy on his work computer.

He has installed a Transparent Proxy to bypass the company�s Internet policies.

By installing a proxy on his own computer to bypass another proxy, Travis has implemented a Split Proxy.

This would be considered a Reverse Proxy.

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