Whatdoes Theo need to do to ensure the GPS applications can communicate with the GPSdevices?

Theo is an IT security consultant that was just hired on by the city of Seattle. Theo has been asked to map out free available wireless hotspots on a chartthat will be published by the city. Theo has never mapped wireless hotspots over such a large range, so he buys software and GPS devices that he thinks will do the job. Theo buys two software programs, one for finding the hotspots and one to precisely locate his whereabouts on a city map. These two pieces of software will utilize two GPS devices. To run both these devices at the same time, Theo downloads and installs a GPS service daemon on his laptop running Windows XPSP2 so the GPS applications will not conflict with each other. When Theo opensboth GPS programs, they say they cannot communicate with the GPS devices. Whatdoes Theo need to do to ensure the GPS applications can communicate with the GPSdevices?

Theo is an IT security consultant that was just hired on by the city of Seattle. Theo has been asked to map out free available wireless hotspots on a chartthat will be published by the city. Theo has never mapped wireless hotspots over such a large range, so he buys software and GPS devices that he thinks will do the job. Theo buys two software programs, one for finding the hotspots and one to precisely locate his whereabouts on a city map. These two pieces of software will utilize two GPS devices. To run both these devices at the same time, Theo downloads and installs a GPS service daemon on his laptop running Windows XPSP2 so the GPS applications will not conflict with each other. When Theo opensboth GPS programs, they say they cannot communicate with the GPS devices. Whatdoes Theo need to do to ensure the GPS applications can communicate with the GPSdevices?

Theo needs to open TCP port 2947 on the Windows firewall so they can communicate.

He should open TCP port 1699 on his local Windows firewall so the applications can talk to the devices.

He needs to install the GPS daemon service on a Linux-based computer since it will not work on a Windows computer.

UDP port 1121 needs to be open on his laptop�s Windows firewall.

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