What do you think is the main reason we have seen such a huge increase in hacking attempts over the past years?

Statistics from cert.org and other leading security organizations have clearly shown a steady increase in the number of hacking incidents against companies. What do you think is the main reason we have seen such a huge increase in hacking attempts over the past years?

Statistics from cert.org and other leading security organizations have clearly shown a steady increase in the number of hacking incidents against companies. What do you think is the main reason we have seen such a huge increase in hacking attempts over the past years?

Increase in processing power

It is getting harder to hack and more challenging for non technical people

The ease of getting hacker tools on the Internet

New TCPIP stack features are constantly being added

Today you don’t need to be a good hacker in order to break in to various systems, all you need is the knowledge to use search engines on the internet.

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