What is the obstructed IP address in the e-mail URL?

You receive an e-mail with the below message:
Hello Steve,
We are having technical difficulty in restoring user database records after the recent blackout.Your account data is corrupted. Please logon on to SuperEmailServices.com and change your password.
http://www.superemailservices.com%40c3405906949/support/logon.htm If you do not reset your password within 7 days, your account will be permanently disabled locking you out from using our e-mail services.
Technical Support
From this e-mail you suspect that some hacker sent this message since you have been using their e-mail services for the last 2 years and they never have sent out an e-mail such as this. You also observe the URL in the message and want to confirm your suspicion about 3405906949, which looks like a base10 number. You enter the following at the Windows 2003 command prompt:
ping 3405906949
You get a response with a valid IP address. What is the obstructed IP address in the e-mail URL?

You receive an e-mail with the below message:

Hello Steve,

We are having technical difficulty in restoring user database records after the recent blackout.Your account data is corrupted. Please logon on to SuperEmailServices.com and change your password.

http://www.superemailservices.com%40c3405906949/support/logon.htm If you do not reset your password within 7 days, your account will be permanently disabled locking you out from using our e-mail services.

Technical Support

From this e-mail you suspect that some hacker sent this message since you have been using their e-mail services for the last 2 years and they never have sent out an e-mail such as this. You also observe the URL in the message and want to confirm your suspicion about 3405906949, which looks like a base10 number. You enter the following at the Windows 2003 command prompt:

ping 3405906949

You get a response with a valid IP address. What is the obstructed IP address in the e-mail URL?





0x stands for hexadecimal and DE=222, AD=173, BE=190 and EF=239

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It seems only one answer should be correct and it’s B.



I agree with the answer.