Why Jess is not picking up hashed from the network?

Jess the hacker runs L0phtCrack’s built-in sniffer utility which grabs SMB password hashes and stores them for offline cracking. Once cracked, these passwords can provide easy access to whatever network resources the user account has access to. But Jess is not picking up hashed from the network. Why?

Jess the hacker runs L0phtCrack’s built-in sniffer utility which grabs SMB password hashes and stores them for offline cracking. Once cracked, these passwords can provide easy access to whatever network resources the user account has access to. But Jess is not picking up hashed from the network. Why?

The network protocol is configured to use SMB Signing.

The physical network wire is on fibre optic cable.

The network protocol is configured to use IPSEC.

L0phtCrack SMB filtering only works through Switches and not Hubs.

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SMB signing guarantees authenticity it doesn’t prevent sniffing.



so I think the answer is not A, right ? I think is C



SMB signed packets are not encrypted. They are just signed and protected
against so called man in the middle attack. If someone would capture a
packet from PCa to PCb and changed something, ending server would figure out
that packet didn’t came from PCa and would discard the packet.

So evilace is right, the correct answer is C



Thanks synack72 & evilace,
I’ve just updated the correct answer.

ted b

ted b

There was no mention of a fibre optic cable(B), IP SEC(C) or a HUB(D), so A remains because B, C and D are eliminated.



I choose