If Heather is caught by the federal government, what law could she be prosecuted under?

Heather is a hackivist working for Green Peace International.She has broken into numerous oil and energy companies and exposed their confidential data to the public. Normally, Heather uses a combination of social engineering and DoS techniques to gain access to the companies’ networks.Heather has made over 50 fakes ID cards and access badges to gain unauthorized access to companies to gain information as well. If Heather is caught by the federal government, what law could she be prosecuted under?

Heather is a hackivist working for Green Peace International.She has broken into numerous oil and energy companies and exposed their confidential data to the public. Normally, Heather uses a combination of social engineering and DoS techniques to gain access to the companies’ networks.Heather has made over 50 fakes ID cards and access badges to gain unauthorized access to companies to gain information as well. If Heather is caught by the federal government, what law could she be prosecuted under?

She could be prosecuted under US law 18 U.S.C 1029 if caught.

Heather would be charged under 18 U.S.C 2510, which entails the use of more than 15 counterfeit items.

18 U.S.C 8814 is the US law that Heather would be prosecuted under since she used false pretenses to gain unauthorized access.

Heather would serve prison time for her actions if prosecuted under US law 18 U.S.C 2929

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