Where can Stephanie go to see pass versions and pages of a website?

Stephanie is the senior security analyst for her company, a manufacturing company in Detroit. Stephanie is in charge of maintaining network security throughout the entire company. A colleague of hers recently told her in confidence that he was able to see confidential corporate information on Stephanie’s external website. He was typing in URLs randomly on the company website and he found information that should not be public. Her friend said this happened about a month ago. Stephanie goes to the addresses he said the page were at, but she finds nothing. She is very concerned about this, since someone should be held accountable if there really was sensitive information posted on the website. Where can Stephanie go to see pass versions and pages of a website?

Stephanie is the senior security analyst for her company, a manufacturing company in Detroit. Stephanie is in charge of maintaining network security throughout the entire company. A colleague of hers recently told her in confidence that he was able to see confidential corporate information on Stephanie’s external website. He was typing in URLs randomly on the company website and he found information that should not be public. Her friend said this happened about a month ago. Stephanie goes to the addresses he said the page were at, but she finds nothing. She is very concerned about this, since someone should be held accountable if there really was sensitive information posted on the website. Where can Stephanie go to see pass versions and pages of a website?

Stephanie can go to Archive.org to see past versions of the company website.

She should go to the web page Samspade.org to see web pages that might no longer be on the website.

If Stephanie navigates to Search.com; she will see old versions of the company website.

AddressPast.com would have any web pages that are no longer hosted on the company’s website.

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