Tyler logs onto this client computer and types in the following command:What is Tyler trying to accomplish by using this command?

Tyler is the senior security officer for WayUP Enterprises, an online retailcompany based out of Los Angeles. Tyler is currently performing a network security audit for the entire company. After seeing some odd traffic on the firewall going outbound to an IP address found to be in North Korea, Tyler decides to look further. Tyler traces the traffic back to the originating IP inside the network; which he finds to be a client running Windows XP. Tyler logs onto this client computer and types in the following command:
What is Tyler trying to accomplish by using this command?

Tyler is the senior security officer for WayUP Enterprises, an online retailcompany based out of Los Angeles. Tyler is currently performing a network security audit for the entire company. After seeing some odd traffic on the firewall going outbound to an IP address found to be in North Korea, Tyler decides to look further. Tyler traces the traffic back to the originating IP inside the network; which he finds to be a client running Windows XP. Tyler logs onto this client computer and types in the following command:
What is Tyler trying to accomplish by using this command?

Tyler is trying to find out all the ports that are listening on this computer.

Tyler is using this command to find all the host records that are stored on the local client computer.

By using this command, Tyler is closing all open TCP and UDP sessions on the computer.

This command will show Tyler if there are any Trojan programs installed on this computer.

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Correct answer is A