What will this command accomplish for Sydney?

Sydney is a certified ethical hacker working as the systems administrator for Galt Riderson International. Sydney is an expert in Linux systems and is utilizing IPTables to protect Linux clients as well as servers. After monitoring the firewall log files, Sydney has been fine tuning the firewall on many clients to adjust for the best security. Sydney types in the following command:
iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 -I eth1 -d -p TCP -j ACCEPT
What will this command accomplish for Sydney?

Sydney is a certified ethical hacker working as the systems administrator for Galt Riderson International. Sydney is an expert in Linux systems and is utilizing IPTables to protect Linux clients as well as servers. After monitoring the firewall log files, Sydney has been fine tuning the firewall on many clients to adjust for the best security. Sydney types in the following command:

iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 -I eth1 -d -p TCP -j ACCEPT

What will this command accomplish for Sydney?

This command will allow TCP packets coming in on interface eth1 from any IP address destined for

By using this command, Sydney will block all TCP traffic coming in on interface eth1 to the IP address of

This command will block all TCP packets with NULL headers from reaching the IP address of

Sydney is using this command to allow all TCP traffic that is outbound from IP address

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I have the same idea.