Whattype of signature has Justine decided to implement?

Justine is the systems administrator for her company, an international shipping company with offices all over the world. Recent US regulations have forcedthe company to implement stronger and more secure means of communication. Justine and other administrators have been put in charge of securing the company’s digital communication lines. After implementing email encryption, Justine now needs to implement robust digital signatures to ensure data authenticity and reliability. Justine has decided to implement digital signatures which are a variantof DSA and that operate on elliptical curve groups. These signatures are more efficient than DSA and are not vulnerable to a number field sieve attacks. Whattype of signature has Justine decided to implement?

Justine is the systems administrator for her company, an international shipping company with offices all over the world. Recent US regulations have forcedthe company to implement stronger and more secure means of communication. Justine and other administrators have been put in charge of securing the company’s digital communication lines. After implementing email encryption, Justine now needs to implement robust digital signatures to ensure data authenticity and reliability. Justine has decided to implement digital signatures which are a variantof DSA and that operate on elliptical curve groups. These signatures are more efficient than DSA and are not vulnerable to a number field sieve attacks. Whattype of signature has Justine decided to implement?

Justine has decided to use ECDSA signatures since they are more efficient than DSA signatures.

She has decided to implement ElGamal signatures since they offer more reliability than the typical DSA signatures.

Justine is now utilizing SHA-1 with RSA signatures to help ensure data reliability.

These types of signatures that Justine has decided to use are called RSA-PSS signatures.

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Correct answer is A