What no-cost setting could Jacob make to stop pop-ups on these computers?

Jacob is the network administrator for Richardson Electric, a heating and air conditioning company based out of Wichita. Jacob is responsible for the entire corporate network, including its security. Jacob has recently been receivingnumerous calls from users stating that they receive pop-ups all the time. Theseusers’ computers are all running Windows XP SP2. Jacob checks their Internet Explorer settings and the pop-up blocker is on for every machine. Jacob decidesto install a couple of other free browsers that have pop-up blockers, and the computers still receive numerous pop-ups. Jacob downloads free spyware and adwareremoval software to scan these computers. The scans return no results, and thecomputers are still getting numerous pop-ups. Jacob does not have any money inhis budget to buy any commercial products to stop this issue. What no-cost setting could Jacob make to stop pop-ups on these computers?

Jacob is the network administrator for Richardson Electric, a heating and air conditioning company based out of Wichita. Jacob is responsible for the entire corporate network, including its security. Jacob has recently been receivingnumerous calls from users stating that they receive pop-ups all the time. Theseusers’ computers are all running Windows XP SP2. Jacob checks their Internet Explorer settings and the pop-up blocker is on for every machine. Jacob decidesto install a couple of other free browsers that have pop-up blockers, and the computers still receive numerous pop-ups. Jacob downloads free spyware and adwareremoval software to scan these computers. The scans return no results, and thecomputers are still getting numerous pop-ups. Jacob does not have any money inhis budget to buy any commercial products to stop this issue. What no-cost setting could Jacob make to stop pop-ups on these computers?

Jacob can edit the hosts file on these computers by adding the addresses of these pop-up sites and pointing them to

He can manually add the registry key of “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionBlockPopups” with a value of “1”.

To block pop-ups, he can edit the hosts file on these computers and add entries for the pop-up sites and point them to the broadcast address for their particular subnet.

Jacob can modify the Windows Firewall settings on these computers to block pop-ups

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Correct answer is A